Antique petal bell, shank base, size #00, 7/8 in.

Antique petal bells, #00 size, approximately 7/8 " diameter. I have a few bells dating to the late 1800s and early 1900s. I have a larger group that date to the early 1800s. 

A late 1800s bell is shown in this listing; it has a distinct rim or ridge around the middle, which is typical for bells from this era. 

Early 1800s bells (not shown) have a smoother shape somewhat like a chicken egg. They're also slightly larger than late 1800s bells. If  you want bells that are similar to bells you already have, keep these differences in shape and size in mind.

Please understand I do not have any perfect #00 bells -- meaning bells with a crisp, full "daisy" pattern AND complete, legible size marking AND pristine condition AND clear musical sound.

Here is what to expect from the #00 bells I have in stock:

  • I have no bells in stock that are clearly marked with a "00" size marking. Manufacturers did not always put a size marking on their #00 bells. For bells that are marked, an off-center "0" is generally visible, but the second "0" will be illegible or missing
  • The condition of the "daisy" pattern will vary from faint to reasonably crisp. The early 1800s bells typically have faint patterns due to being smoothed with a lathe when the bells were manufactured
  • There will be no cracks in these bells from use, but there may be casting defects -- small holes from air bubbles or irregularities in the throat (slit)
  • The sound of these bells will vary widely. Due to their size, all have a high pitched, light sound, but some bells have a quiet, faint sound and others are a little louder and more musical

More about petal bells... and More about our bells...

Use solid-brass figure-8 bell pins to fasten these bells. Purchase fasteners here... I normally use bell pins in size small for these. 

Choose from 3 groups: (1) late 1800s bells that make sound, (2) late 1800s bells that do not have a pea inside so they're silent, and (3) early 1800s bells that make sound. I am discounting the silent bells; the discount will be shown in your cart when you check out.

Sold per each. Quantities are extremely limited and subject to change without notice.

Price: $33.50
47.99 CAD 27.05 GBP 32.45 EUR