Antique open bell, 2 to 2 1/4 in.

These cast brass or bronze bells are sometimes called "liberty" bells or "conestoga" bells. The bells were made in the late 1800s through the mid 1900s.

These bells are about 2" to 2 1/4" across, as measured across the open mouth. All have the original clapper and have a clear, ringing tone.

Most are "one of a kind" styles, although some are nearly identical -- please let us know if you need bells that are similar in appearance.

Sold per each. Quantities are limited and subject to change without notice.

These bells are fastened onto a leather strap with a figure-8 bell pin. Purchase fasteners here...

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Sold per each

Price: $19.00
27.17 CAD 14.68 GBP 17.62 EUR